Saetia - Live At ABC No Rio Spring 1999

Download Saetia - Live At ABC No Rio Spring 1999
Artist: Saetia
Album: Live At ABC No Rio Spring 1999
Rating: 3.0



Review by Adrielle Fernandes Anschau

Live At ABC No Rio Spring 1999 by Saetia is a powerful and intense album that showcases the band's raw energy and emotional depth. Recorded during a live performance at the legendary New York City punk venue, the album captures Saetia at the height of their creative powers, delivering a blistering set of post-hardcore anthems that are both cathartic and cathartic.

The album opens with the hauntingly beautiful "Venus and Bacchus," which sets the tone for the rest of the record with its melancholic guitar riffs and anguished vocals. From there, the band launches into a series of explosive tracks, including "Notres Langues Nous Trompent" and "The Burden of Reflecting," that showcase their ability to seamlessly blend intense, angular guitar work with deeply emotional lyrics.

Throughout the album, Saetia's musicianship is on full display, with drummer Alex Madara delivering thunderous beats and guitarist Jamie Behar laying down intricate and dissonant riffs. But it's vocalist Greg Drudy who steals the show, his gut-wrenching screams and impassioned singing driving home the emotional weight of each song.

Table of Contents


Ariadne’s Thread2:29
The Sweetness And The Light2:48
Notres Langues Nous Trompent2:41
The Poet You Never Were3:48
The Sweetness And The Light2:48
The Poet You Never Were3:48
Ariadne’s Thread2:29
Notres Langues Nous Trompent2:41


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Secret Voice

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Distributed ByDeathwish Inc.



Summary by Adrielle Fernandes Anschau

At times, Live At ABC No Rio Spring 1999 can be a challenging listen, with its raw and unpolished sound and unrelenting intensity. But for fans of post-hardcore and emo, it's a must-listen, a testament to the power of live performance and the enduring legacy of Saetia.

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